website may disclose your information in the following ways:
      Service Providers. We may share personal information with our vendors and Service providers who perform services on our behalf. These third parties are authorized to use your personal information only as necessary to provide these services to us, such as fulfilling orders, processing payments, sending and improving communications, developing and improving our Products, detecting, preventing, and remediating fraud or other prohibited activities, and other support for the provision of our Products.
      Displaying to other users. The content you post to website may be displayed on website. Other users may be able to see some information about you, such as your name if you submit a review. We are not responsible for privacy practices of the other users who will view and use the posted information.
      As required by law and similar disclosures. We may access, preserve, and disclose your personal information, other account information, and content if we believe doing so is required or appropriate to comply with law enforcement requests and legal process, such as a court order, government request, or subpoena. We may also access, preserve, and disclose your personal information, other account information, and content if we believe in good faith that disclosure is necessary to protect yours’, ours’ or others’ rights, property, or safety, or investigate fraud.
      Merger, sale, or other asset transfers. If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, financing due diligence, reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, sale of company assets, or transition of service to another provider, then your information may be sold or transferred as part of such a transaction as permitted by law and/or contract. The use of your personal information following any of the foregoing events should be governed by the provisions of the Privacy Policy in effect at the time such personal information was collected.